What is Twin Cities Nerd Nite? We’re local Twin Cities geeks who love to learn about new things and socialize in a fun, safe space — part of a global movement!

Okay, but what is Nerd Nite, really? Think miniature TED Talks — at a bar. Each month we have 2-3 friendly, neighborhood nerds present on topics that they geek out about. We cover everything from sewers to lingerie to hard science to movie conspiracy theories. Each month is different so you’re always guaranteed to learn something new.

When and where do you meet? Join us the second Wednesday of every month at The Black Hart in St. Paul. People start gathering around 6:30 p.m., and the talks begin at 7 p.m. There’s no cover, but snacks and beverages are available for purchase.

Who is Nerd Nite Twin Cities? We’re your hosts: Jeremy, David, and Lindsay. We’re volunteers to make sure you have a geeky good time.

Can I present at Nerd Nite? You definitely can! All you need is access to Google Slides and a passion so geeky1 you have to share it with the world. We encourage you to attend at least once to get a sense of what a Nerd Nite talk is like before presenting. Reach out to us via the Contact form.

  1. Your presentation can be on literally anything that you’re excited about. The only requirement is your infectious enthusiasm. ↩︎